
DMV Employees
Circle I Limbo

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Oakland Raider Fans
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Circle IV Rolling Weights

Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

PETA Members
Circle VII Burning Sands

Osama bin Laden
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

The Pope
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell


Incoming Freshman top ten list

its not high school and no one is going to give you a second chance here.
2.) Make sure you pay attention in class, especially for lectures because many things said by the teacher that is not in the notes tend to find their way into the test.
3.) Get all important work done before the weekend. Putting off an essay and studying for two tests on recovery day truly sucks.
4.) Eat right. The food in the dining halls are miserable for you so eat a apple every now and then.
5.) Starbucks is very expensive, especially when your parents put money on your campus cash and your sense of money goes straight out the window.
6.) Join UB Rugby. It's for winners and you want to be a winner, right?
7.) If you ever get lost in Ellicot, dont worry. You would be surprised how many upper classmen get lost in there.
8.) If you happen to get a dorm on south campus, hope to god your in goodyear. All other dorms on south are miserable deaths.
9.) If you have a small class, make sure you suck up to your teacher. Most teachers are used to large lectures, (depending on the class) and they eat up individualized attention just as much as you.
10.) NEVER get on any of the small shuttle buses. 9/10 times you will be stuck on there for a minimum of 30 minutes. guaranteed.

Service Project

The main challenge we've have faced with our project is trying to get a hold of the person (Natasha) in charge of the book drive at Invisible Children. It took a while to get a hold of her, but other than that our project is going along famously.
We are in the process of setting up a table, but all the tables in SU have been booked until the week before thanksgiving so i guess we'll have to wait and see to make our next move then.
Hopefully, if everything goes well, im expecting a good turnout at our table, considering the effort we all put into for advertising the book drive. It's a great cause to stand behind and support and i am optimistically hoping for the best.

Health Check

I am an extraordinarily healthy person. I am on the rugby team and I try to run anywhere between 10-15 miles a week during the season, doubling the miles in the off-season. I hit the gym 3 times a week, split triceps/chest/ shoulders, biceps/back, and a ab intensive day. I eat pretty healthy but college life does get the better of me on the weekends. Not much else to say but im sure that'll give anyone a pretty good idea of my lifestyle.


Favorite/least favorite class

  • My favorite class at the moment is psychology. I find it incredibly interesting and never find a moment boring. The professor is very talented in how she attracts the attention of the class, keeping them engaged every class. My least favorite class is writing 1. Besides the fact I haven't had class in about a week and a half, it's a very dull setting and the teacher speaks in a monotone. It sucks. The only funny part of that class is that you find her entertaining herself a lot. She literally makes herself laugh, among other odd things, and I have my suspicions of some type of personality disorder. I could be completely wrong but if you sat in on a class, you'd understand.


How I got to UB.

Well, i guess I should start with the beginning of high school. I was never a "good" student, in the view of the academic standards I mean. I never really thought about my future that much, just the present or what I was going to be doing the next weekend. As much as I wanted to imagine what I was going to be for the rest of my life, it seemed so distant and unrealistic i brushed it off. Well, that caught up to me at the end of freshman year when i had an accumalitive average of around a 69. I switched schools and then I started to get my act together. By getting my act together, I mean I actually did some homework and fell into a nice, comfortable rhythm. I figured I was smart enough to be able to coast my way right through high school, and to a degree, it worked. That was until I started looking at college. All my friends where very good students. One went to Colgate for a grand total of $5,000, all four years. Two went to BC Honors, two to Clark and one went to Bard. All close to free rides of course. When I came to the realization that they are set on very successful career paths, I made up my mind to accomplish something that none of my friends or family would see coming, especially from me. I chose UB simply because of how much is has to offer and all the oppourtunities it provides. I'm at the point where i havent a clue to what I want to do but I know I'm going get whatever I do set my mind to. I've been thinking about pre-med, but psych has always been interesting. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I joined the UB Rugby team this year and am currently playing for the division 3 team. I also have joined the Schussmeisters ski club which is awesome for me because I am a snowboarding enthusiast. I've been snowboarding for about 8 years, 5 of which where in the park. As for clubs, I am most involved with rugby. Practices tuesday through friday, with games on saturday, result in a pretty hectic work schedule but I manage. Last weekend, I received a major concussion and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance. That marks the third major concussion on record for me so one more just about does it for me with contact sports. I'm not too psyched about that. If that happens, I may just turn into a marathoner so we'll see what happens. I remember i signed up for a lot of other groups but I can't remember them for the life of me. If I do happen to remember, I'll be certain to let all of you (enthusiastic readers) know.